School Fees

Catholic Schools Broken Bay receive funding from both state and federal governments. School fees supplement the income we receive from the Government.  School fees ensure we are able to resource our schools so we may deliver an authentic, professional Catholic education with care and compassion.

At Catholic Schools Broken Bay, we aim to keep our fees as low as possible and provide flexible payment arrangements for families should they need assistance.  No student will be denied enrolment in one of our schools due to an inability to pay school fees.  Catholic Schools Broken Bay is committed to supporting families who wish to access Catholic schooling for their children but may experience financial hardship.


Education Fees

Catholic Schools Broken Bay have two standard fees. Our Education Fee applies to each student. This fee varies from school to school, and in our Colleges may also vary from grade to grade. This fee is all inclusive and covers the general resourcing required to deliver an education to each student over the course of the school calendar year. It also enables us to maintain, refurbish and build new schools to ensure we have contemporary learning environments that support student engagement and achievement for our students. The fee is all inclusive and cannot be itemised.

The Education Fee is paid per child and the sibling discount will only apply to the education fees for children enrolled within the CSBB Systemic system of schools.  See our schools here.

Supplementary Fees

Schools may also charge Supplementary Fees. These are fees associated with a particular activity or course, that are not covered by the Education Fee. These activities are usually for a particular cohort for a compulsory activity that will enhance the educational experience of your child. This may include activities such as an overnight camp or retreat, or where there are specific costs related to particular subject choices in our colleges.


Billing and Payment Arrangements

School Fees are billed on an annual basis and our standard payment terms are 10 monthly instalments from February to November. Families experiencing hardship may also contact our Fee Liaison Team to enter into an alternative payment arrangement. All schools have facilities for families to pay fees by BPAY, EFTPOS or Credit Card (VISA and Mastercard only), or Cheque. Our preferred method of payment is BPAY.


Students on Visas

Prior to an offer of enrolment, all VISA details and study conditions are verified to ensure we are permitted to offer enrolment and to verify whether CSBB is eligible to receive Government funding which subsidises the cost of delivering an education. Students on some VISA types, for whom we are not eligible to receive Government funding will also incur an additional fee. For some students, where English is a second language, an Intensive English Program may be required. This program is an additional charge to any other fees charged by Catholic Schools Broken Bay.


Fee Assistance

Catholic Schools Broken Bay is committed to ensuring that no family will be denied a Catholic education because of financial difficulties.

We have a number of pathways available for fee assistance and are able to provide you with a personalised fee support assessment based on your individual circumstances.

Please contact the Fee Liaison Team ( or 7256 2888) to discuss these options and the application process.  Your School Principal can also provide support and guidance on your options for fee assistance.


For further information regarding school fees please contact your School Office.