25 years of providing quality Catholic education at Lake Munmorah was celebrated recently at St Brendan’s. It was a significant occasion for the school in being able to share with the wider community its contributions made over this time.
Luanna Fletcher, Principal, opened the ceremony and invited guests to record their memories, both past and present, in the books that circulated throughout the day.
Special mention was made of previous staff and clergy who had all made a significant impact on the proud history of St. Brendan’s. Many priests celebrated the Eucharist with students over the years, both in the demountable buildings and the outdoors. Their legacy and spiritual work having laid the foundations for the strong spiritual hub it is today.
There were many parents present with strong ties to the school having initially enrolled their children and later their grandchildren. Both past and present P & F members were also recognised for their hard work resulting in the beautiful facilities the students were able to enjoy today.
Representatives from the Catholic Schools Office joined in the celebrations along with Mr Garry Edwards, local member for Swansea.
After a rose planting ceremony and a stirring rendition of Happy Birthday by the school choir everyone enjoyed a special morning tea and had an opportunity to reflect on days gone by. This was also a timely moment to recognise and congratulate Sandra Grogan and Chris Higgins for their 25 years of service.