St Mary’s Toukley is a welcoming and inclusive Catholic school where genuine collaboration and shared leadership are valued. The students at St Mary’s are challenged to live, learn and grow as disciples of Jesus in a nurturing Catholic community.
We are a hope-filled, positive community underpinned by strong relational trust. Evident in our school is a distinct sense of Catholic life and mission including a substantive, meaningful liturgical presence.
St Mary’s is a professional learning community passionate about students’ learning. Learning teams engage in focused dialogue that deliberately personalises the students’ learning with the aim of ensuring success for all. In an encouraging environment, high learning expectations challenge the students to reach their potential.
Our school’s culture is characterised by a supportive, pastoral network; students taking responsibility for their own actions; a highly visible student leadership presence in social justice initiatives; and a wide range of opportunities for students including public speaking, debating, sport, dance, chess, drama and music.