Everyone who knows Sue feels an immediate warmth, kindness, and energy that is enlivening which she brings into her daily work and life. Sue works as Executive Support- Evangelisation & Catechesis and joins us recently from Broken Bay Chancery. Sue is an incredible woman of faith and her calling to follow a life of noble service was to spend time as a religious missionary sister. Enjoy her story, it will be sure to inspire your own faith journey.
What does faith mean to you?
Faith has had everything to do with answering fundamental questions that I have had of, why I’m here and particularly what is going to make me happy. My Catholic faith didn’t just teach me who God is, but it taught me the meaning of who I am. I have always sought to understand “Who am I?” faith has taught me: “I am precious” and in a world that measures our worth, I questioned: “What am I worth?” faith has concretely answered it, “I am worth dying for.”
Have you had a pivotal faith experience in your journey?
My grandpa always said: “Make sure you live a life of noble service, so that you will be remembered for the character which that service builds in you.” When I was 23, I discerned to get to know, love and serve God in a concrete way by becoming a religious missionary sister. I spent 14 awesome years as a nun encountering Christ in the silence of prayer; Christ in my studies and especially Christ in the face of each person I met and served.
How has being a part of a Catholic community influenced your identity?
In those 14 years I spent as a missionary, I lived every possible adventure I always wanted to, but more importantly, those years have changed my life’s perspective forever and shaped my Catholic identity by challenging me daily to be more like Jesus. There is nothing I look at now without the lens of faith – I have found it elevates my understanding of people, situations and circumstances reminding me that ‘all things are grace’.
What is something that you learnt in your faith journey?
John 1:16 “From His fulness we have all received, grace upon grace.” I learnt that Jesus’ whole motive in His ministry was to help people discover the happiness they are made for. Part of my own happiness is being able to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
How has working in Catholic Schools Broken Bay impacted your faith story?
I consider working at CSBB a beautiful ministry supporting a joy-filled Evangelisation and Catechesis Team as we work together towards 2025. I know I am part of something big here and so I am excited to see where the Spirit continues to lead me.
How do you share your faith?
Love in action is the simplest way to explain how I try to share my faith. I was taught from a young age that a welcoming smile is my first act of charity because it speaks all languages. My second act of charity is to always have the willingness and happy heart to lend a hand whenever there is a need.
What does Christmas mean to you?
Christmas reminds me of the reality that my life is saturated with a beautiful dignity-the dignity that we are all created in the likeness and image of a loving God. It’s awesome to spend time celebrating the beauty of God’s humility as well as some quiet reflection of this awe-inspiring mystery.
How will you celebrate Christmas this year with your family?
I will be spending most of my time with my family. There will be loads of food- a core part of our tradition which dad always said was our way of ‘practising for our eternal feast in Heaven’. This year the whole family will be gathered at my aunt’s house because she is in palliative care. We are looking forward to surrounding her with as much love as possible and the joy filled noise of singing and dancing just as she requested.