Dear Staff, Students and Families
As we approach the very special days of Easter, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their commitment and support throughout the first term of 2023.
I extend my sincere appreciation to our teachers, and all staff supporting those who teach, for their dedication to the students entrusted to our care. Your commitment to strengthening the faith, learning and wellbeing of our students provides inspiration for all.
To our families, thank you for your support and entrusting us to inspire the hearts and minds of your children, to know Christ, to love learning and to be the very best they can be. We take our responsibility seriously and will continue to do all we can to support you as the primary educator.
As a system of schools, I am proud of the work of our Towards 2025 Strategy, that has continued this term with a priority placed on improving every student’s learning.
Collaborative coaching was introduced into a small number of our schools last year and aims to improve every student’s learning through teachers and leaders working together with a relentless focus on learning. The schools involved strengthened their culture of collaboration and collective effort to improve teaching practice that responds to student learning needs.
Given the significant impact on student learning, I am delighted that we have, this year, been able to extend collaborative coaching to every teacher in every CSBB primary and secondary school. This ground breaking initiative will benefit each and every one of our 17,000 students across the System.
Term 1 is always busy and this year we reactivated our sporting programs, recommenced school camps and conducted NAPLAN. We also introduced a new initiative for our Year 7 students – The Belong Day. This was a very special occasion for those starting high school and Bishop Anthony Randazzo and I were delighted to spend time, over 2 days, with over 1200 year 7 students.
On the day, Bishop Anthony spoke about how all in our Catholic Schools across the Diocese are part of the broader Diocesan Catholic community. He committed all of us who serve to providing all the support we can as our students grow to be the best they can be.
I do hope you get the chance to catch up with your family and friends and have a well-deserved rest during this break. May this Easter bring you every blessing of hope and joy.
I look forward to seeing you in Term 2.
Danny Casey
Director of Schools