We are a co-educational school meeting the needs of children from Kindergarten to Year Six.
In leafy surroundings with play equipment, an oval providing ample playing space and outdoor education facilities.
Our school has a strong commitment to our Catholic mission and the history, traditions and rituals of our faith. We have identified a series of Catholic values including respect, responsibility, justice and love and these values permeate life in our school. The directions of our school are guided by our motto Let your light shine. Our school community continues to create a safe and productive learning environment grounded in a strong pastoral care culture.
Our purpose, ‘Inspiring and challenging our children to know, think and value’ underpins our learning programs and provides the perspective for many of our innovations. Integration of the Key Learning Areas allows flexibility and opportunities for deep learning while specifically developing skills in cooperative learning, task management, responsibility, research, communication, using technology, expression and problem solving. It also provides high interest and relevant topics which result in engaged students who think critically and creatively; and care about humanity and the environment. Literacy and numeracy are at the forefront.