The Mystery Visitor
As students at Holy Cross Catholic School returned from their weekend recently they discovered a huge nest on the school playground.
A trail of leaves and branches led towards the bush at the back of the school, giving the impression that a creature had dragged the nest out. The students roped off the area and looked at the nest but did not touch.
As the week progressed two large eggs appeared in the nest along with piles of fur-like material and feathers. After a few days, the eggs cracked but still, no creatures were evident! Theories grew with great momentum.
The mystery nest enthralled the school and led to numerous creature sightings in the bushes, much discussion and, most importantly, some brilliant writing and research as children attempted to get to the bottom of the mystery. Students wrote news reports, research notes, descriptions, and recounts as they shared the experience with their families and each other.
Year 5 student Rylee described the nest as an “Egg-citing find” and said the school hoped they would “crack” the case.
Finally, as the last step in this learning initiative, a park ranger took the nest away to examine it and return it to the bush. The playground returned to normal but the students will always wonder about the creatures that were a part of their school life for a week.