Celebrations for the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary kicked off with a Balloon Rosary which was set up outside the School Chapel to create a focal point for their celebrations. Each balloon represented a Rosary bead and the students arranged by colour to denote each continent where the Church continues its mission of evangelisation: green for the forests and grasslands of Africa, blue for the ocean surrounding the Pacific Islands, red for the colours found in America, yellow for the morning light of the East (Asia), and white for Europe – the home of the Pope, the leader of the Catholic Church.
Next was the procession of the statue of Mary to the Chapel for a whole of school liturgy,followed by the making Rosary key chains was a fun challenge and a picnic on the oval with parents and teachers. Treated to a juggling performance at lunchtime the day was then capped off by a dramatisation of the apparition of Our Lady at Fatima and further fun and games.
The children all wore blue and yellow or gold mufti, the school colours, and were each given a bag with a prayer card and Rosary beads.
Reflecting on the day the children said “I loved everything about the Rosary Day but my favourite thing was making the Rosary beads.” and “I keep my new Rosary beads next to my bed so I can use them at night.” Whilst parents remarked “Thank you for having us parents here all day!” and “Everybody had fun and it was a great day for our school community!”