Each year St Patrick’s Catholic School at Asquith hosts a father and daughter evening, affectionately known as ‘Pretty in Pink’. The girls in Years 4, 5 and 6 and their Dads come to school for an evening of fun.
“Sometimes girls don’t have much one- on- one time with their Dad. This is an opportunity where the girls and their Dads have some quality time together. Many of the girls look forward to this evening each year.” Principal Bernard Cumming said. “I am grateful to my staff who prepare the whole night”.
The girls get dressed in their finest pink clothes, with the Dads wearing a ‘touch’ of pink. It is a night of fun, eating, father- daughter dances, games, and the Limbo. A number of girls said that they enjoyed the ‘How well do you know your father?’ game the best.
The staff at St Patrick’s value this night and happily organise this event so as to provide a fun time for Dads and their daughters. “I can’t wait until next year”, exclaimed a girl at the end of the evening.