News Blog

Faith with Kerry Power

December 21, 2023

Kerry Power has been with CSBB for 9 years and is currently a Learning Partner in the Evangelisation & Catechesis Team at central office. Kerry has also spent some time in schools as a teacher and leader. Her passion is the development and formation of teachers who can be authentic witnesses to their faith.

What does faith mean to you?

“Faith is the confidence of things that are hoped for, and a certainty of things not seen.” Hebrews 11

Faith provides us with the foundation for a relationship with God and the divine universe. My faith provides me with enormous comfort and peace, especially during periods of challenge. My relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit is integral to my daily life.  I find God in the ‘everyday’ and have a deep sense of knowing that whatever happens I am never truly alone, Jesus.

Have you had a pivotal faith experience in your journey?

I have experienced several times in my life that I would consider pivotal to my faith.  When I was 14, I was at my country high school when a teacher asked my cohort who wanted to ‘know more about God”.  I put up my hand and so began a significant period of faith development, where I was invited to join my local parish, completed my sacraments, and began to pray with greater purpose.  This formative period of my life has become a powerful part of my testimony.  The teacher’s name was David, and he is part of my story.  As I have grown into adulthood and through my lived experience my faith has and continues to evolve and develop. 

How has being a part of a Catholic community influenced your identity?

We are formed and shaped by the environment in which we live.  When I move house, to a new area my husband finds me a Catholic church because he knows that makes me feel a sense of ‘home’.   When I look at my life and the various communities, I have been a part of I can identify the various ways I have been formed.  My parish and school communities have shaped me as a person, as a leader and a disciple.

What is something that you learnt in your faith journey?

That the journey never ends. As with any relationship, you continue to grow and evolve as the needs of the Spirit inspire.  Prayer is a powerful part of my day, it provides an anchor for whatever the day has to offer. Prayer is a conversation, that can be entered into with or without structure, silently or in song, communally or alone.  Prayer can be a powerful method of grounding in times of anxiety, grief or sorrow as well as a guide to true gratitude. It’s my time of peace and reflection.

How has working in Catholic Schools Broken Bay impacted your faith story?

My connection with CSBB began in 2014 as a parent, MacKillop was the school of choice for my daughters and parishioner.  As a leader in the parish and college I developed a strong and deep connection with the staff and congregation. This enabled me to develop an authentic connection between the parish and the school. Working in the Evangelisation & Catechesis Team provided opportunities to work with all schools in CSBB.  I love spending time in schools, reflecting on how each community is so different and yet part of a larger story. I love that there is no separation between my life and my work and my values are an expression of my faith. 

How do you share your faith?

I try to be the face of Jesus for everyone I meet, whether it be in a school, at a social event or the local supermarket. I just try to be the best person I can be on any given day. You never know when you could be in a conversation with someone who is curious about how faith may operate in their life.  You have to be prepared to share your own story of encounter and transformation.

What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, humanity’s greatest gift.  It is about retelling the narrative with ritual and tradition about the coming of the long-awaited Messiah. We discover our own story in the messiness of the manger!  Afterall, we can all relate to a story that contains the pain of an uncomfortably long journey to visit relatives, an overcrowded inn, unexpected visitors, and unusual gifts that provide possible glimpses of joy.  It is also about sharing time with family and friends.  As my children have become older it is also about sharing ‘our plate’ with others, through acts of charity and neighbourly connection.  Christmas is also about putting the wrongs of the past behind us through acts of reconciliation and forgiveness.

How will you celebrate Christmas this year with your family?

On Christmas Eve I prepare the Children’s Christmas Mass in my parish, which is filled with excitement, joy and a little bit of beautiful chaos! On Christmas morning my youngest daughter, shares personalised Christmas shirts she purchases for the family in October.  We put on our shirts as we prepare for the feast my husband cooks and make phone calls to interstate relatives, post some socials and share gifts.  This year my mother-in-law is visiting from Adelaide, as she misses the busy-ness of Christmas of the past when all her children lived at home.  Christmas is a peace-filled day filled with a sense of gratitude, humility and love.  Blessings to all for a peaceful and holy Christmas. Season.