News Blog

How to prepare for High School

January 23, 2025

Starting Year 7 is a significant milestone in every child’s life. The transition from primary to secondary school brings new challenges and opportunities. To support both current and new families, our school leadership teams including Principals, Assistant Principals, experienced Teachers and Student Wellbeing experts came together and prepared 6 key tips for students entering Year 7 in 2025.  

Navigating the transition to Secondary School

Tip 1. Digital Preparedness

Ensure a smooth start to the year by checking that all digital tools and resources are ready. The Digital Enablement team has provided helpful how-to videos to assist with device set up, including enrolling your device on the CSBB network, changing default passwords and ensuring devices are fully charged and protected. This is shared in an email directed to parents from your child’s enrolled school.

Tip 2. Create a Homework Haven

Set up a practical and inviting space dedicated to homework and assignments. This space serves as an opportunity to have open conversations about school, allowing parents and carers to stay connected with their child’s schooling experiences.

Tip 3. Term Calendar for Assessments

Once your child has received their assessments for the term, map them out together on a term overview calendar (available free online). Place the calendar in an area visible to you and your child and check in regularly on your child’s progress so that assessments are not left until the last minute. This helps build on your child’s organisational and time management skills. 

Tip 4. Conversation Starters

Most children starting school will be presented with a new class and classmates and it is important to provide them with some questions to initiate a conversation with new people. Promoting questions such as ‘What is your name?’ ‘What did you do during the holidays?’ ‘What is your favourite subject?’ This helps children to build their confidence when meeting new people and develop their socialisation skills. 

Tip 5. Open Communication with Teachers

Establish open communication with teachers early in the term. If your child has specific needs a teacher should be aware of, initiate a meeting to discuss them. Cultivating an open and honest relationship with your child’s teacher/s is crucial for your child’s learning and development. 

Tip 6. Support for Diverse Learners 

Recognise that every child learns differently. 1 in 12 school-aged children have a disability. The Council of Catholic Schools Parents NSW/ACT has a great downloadable resource which can be found here. 


In addition to these tips, Natasha, a seasoned parent, suggests incorporating a regular bedtime routine to help teenagers cope with early starts. She emphasises the importance of gradually adjusting bedtime during the last week of holidays to avoid a sudden shock to their system on the first day.

Natasha also recommends helping children organise their belongings by checking their timetable each night, packing their bag, and laying out their uniform. This preparation reduces morning stress and ensures a smoother start to the day. Maintaining a positive attitude, reassuring your child about normal nerves, and actively engaging with the school community all help navigate change.

It’s normal to feel apprehensive as a student, but also as a parent for your child. Finishing Primary School and entering Secondary School is a big change in schooling life. Be encouraged to share your experiences with others who are entering a similar stage and know that the feelings are very normal. Encourage your child to be themselves and to have open conversations, especially while establishing new friendships and navigating their new environment.  

You’ve got this. Get involved. Try something new. Have a travel backup plan. Welcome and have a wonderful time being a part of one of our Catholic Colleges at Catholic School Broken Bay!