Mercy Week is an annual school event of celebration and inspiration at Mercy Catholic College, Chatswood. The College celebrates its Mercy tradition and put this into practice by participating in an Outreach Programme.
The College’s roots are deeply entrenched in the way Catherine McAuley, the foundress of the Sisters of Mercy, responded as a disciple of Jesus. She said that she “would rather be cold and hungry than the poor should be deprived of any consolation”. The College community remember these words throughout the year, but have a particular focus every September during Mercy Week.
Fundraising from such activities as wet sponge throwing, jellybean counting, fashion parade and international food stalls go towards supporting a student and buying teacher resources in their sister Mercy school, St Michael’s School in Kenya. The funds from this week also support Mamre House in St Marys where refugees and disabled community members are supported.
Besides fundraising there is a practical approach to social justice with all students involved in an outreach programme at the conclusion of Mercy Week. From serving lunch at St Canice’s Kitchen in Kings Cross, planting trees and weeding for an environmental programme to visiting the elderly in aged-care facilities, Mercy girls are spending time in the community putting into practice Catherine McAuley’s words.