National Children’s Week 2023
Children’s Week highlights that all children and young people can participate in and make a valuable contribution to their society.
The Children’s Week National Theme for 2023 is based on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) Article 31:
All children have the right to relax, play, and take part in activities they enjoy.
During this week, we invite you to reflect on the meaning of this theme with your family. Part of the theme for the year talks about activities children enjoy. A great place to start and capture their voices is by sharing with them how you like to play and relax and invite them to share with you! They could tell you with their words, draw a picture, cook, sing, dance or even choose a game to play with you.
You may like to talk to your child about the UNCRC, and show/provide/explore talk with them about the following resources:
Primary Resources
Unicef Convention on the Rights of the Child Activity Book
Unicef Know Your Rights
Workbook What are Child Rights Video (3min video)
Importance of play for babies & children | Raising Children Network
You can also meditate with your child to help them (and you!) relax:
Mindful looking bubble bounce meditation (On screen, 4min video)
Headspace mini breath meditation (1min video)
Body scan script
Mindful breathing script
Secondary Resources
Unicef Convention on the Rights of the Workbook
Workbook What are Child Rights Video (3min video)
UNICEF Australia (@unicefaustralia) Unicef Australia Instagram
Ways you can connect and relax:
Use the Relationships Australia Family Connect tool to build on meaningful communication skills
Exercise together
Cook a meal together
Headspace mini breath meditation (1min video)