For some years now, the children of St Mary’s Catholic School have regularly visited the residents of Wesley Heights nursing home at Quinton Road in Manly.
Through this regular contact, the children of Years 4-6 connect with elderly residents by playing games, exchanging stories, performing songs and simply spending time with them. It is something that these residents really look forward to and gives them renewed vigour and smiles! This commitment supports the core Catholic values at St Mary’s by encouraging the school community to show compassion, love, respect and service to others.
St Mary’s Principal, Paul McGuire recently presented $2,000, proceeds from the sales of second hand clothing, to Wesley Heights to enable them to purchase games and crafts especially memory games for their mental health which residents can use when the children come up to visit. This will in turn add value to the future visits and time spent together – elderly and young – learning, laughing and passing the time together.