Parent Engagement
Families are the first educators of their children and they continue to influence their child’s learning and development during the school years and long afterwards.
In recognising the primary role of the family in a child’s education, Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) encourages the development of positive and respectful relationships between families and schools leading to improved learning outcomes and the development of positive wellbeing of students.
Parental engagement promotes partnerships that recognise learning as a shared responsibility, with both parents and teachers having different but important roles in a child’s learning and wellbeing. In supporting effective parental engagement CSBB provides opportunities for parents to be both engaged in their child’s learning at home and at school and involved in school based education, activities and events.
Parent Engagement Coordinator (PEC): Parent Engagement Coordinators are being employed in all schools, providing pastoral support and parent engagement activities in school and parish communities. The role supports the school community through facilitating parent education, providing information to parents on support services and wellbeing initiatives which include making resources accessible for families.
Parent Leadership: Parents have the opportunity to be genuinely engaged within their school communities by participating in Parent & Friends teams, parent forums and networks and school advisory teams. Catholic Schools Broken Bay supports and encourages the collaborative partnership of parents working with school leadership teams in their school’s strategic directions. The Education Officer – Parent Liaison works closely with school leadership teams and parent bodies to support the development of strong family /school partnerships developing informed, contemporary and well-resourced parent bodies. Induction workshops and online resources are available for parent bodies.
Broken Bay Diocesan Parent Council (CSP): The CSP represents all parents and carers of children in schools across the diocese. By assisting parents in their leadership roles within their school community, the CSP aims to encourage all parents and carers to be engaged in their children’s faith, learning and well-being and involved in their school and parish communities.
The CSP develops and encourages parent engagement by supporting the participation of Broken Bay Diocesan families in partnerships with their school and parish communities. The CSP hosts an annual leadership evening providing learning and engagement for parents involved in leadership roles. These evenings invite parent bodies to understand latest research on parental engagement and develop innovative ideas and practices in their school communities.
A Commitment by Families and Schools
Catholic Schools Broken Bay (CSBB) mission is to support parents* as the first and foremost educators of their children, and the role they play in their child’s faith formation, learning and wellbeing.
This Charter outlines the principles and responsibilities of all members of the CSBB Community.
*Parents is used in this document as a term to include natural, adoptive, or foster parents, guardians, and caregivers of students.