During 2012, Mater Maria Catholic College’s fiftieth anniversary year, the old school bell was uncovered from storage. A proposal was prepared by student, Coco-Jasmine Howard for its restoration and display as part of her Year 12 HSC Design and Technology project for 2013.
Aware that the College was established by the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, Coco contacted Sister Lia van Haren, Congregational Archivist at the Sisters of the Good Samaritan, to establish its connection with the College at Warriewood.
Sister Lia reflected, “The ringing of bells used to be an integral part of Convent life. Bells were rung to awaken the Sisters at the beginning of the day; to call them to prayer, work, meals, study, recreation and sleep. Whenever the bell rang Sisters were to drop whatever they were doing and go immediately to the particular activity as if it was the voice of God calling them.”
According to 1971 archives, the bell was delivered from the Sisters of the Good Samaritan Convent/School in Surry Hills, Sydney. Further investigation revealed that the bell had a link to where the Sisters of the Good Samaritan congregation began on Pitt Street, Sydney in 1857.
The restored bell now has pride of place outside of the Mater Maria Chapel.