Dear Staff, Students and Families
Welcome back to an exciting Term 2 ahead.
I do hope that you had a wonderful break and the opportunity to catch up with family and friends over the Holy season.
Term 1 was once again a challenging time for all communities, and we hope that Term 2 will be easier for all, with less disruption and more opportunity for all to grow in faith and be inspired to be the very best we can be.
As the work of our Towards 2025 strategy progresses, we remain committed to delivering authentic professional catholic education, building our Catholic culture and supporting student learning so that every child entrusted to our care can be the best they can be.
In our schools this term there will be a focus on the use of data to further develop our Learning Improvement Program and to differentiate the learning program for every student. We will be setting overall system targets for learning and individual school targets to ensure our students are the very best they can be.
We will also be commencing our collaborative coaching program this term in over half of our schools. In this program, the Assistant Principal will lead weekly collaborative planning sessions with groups of teachers to improve learning activities and assessments. Our aim is to address the individual needs of all students in our system more effectively.
Later this term we will be launching our CSBB Catholic Charter to the wider community. The Charter is an articulation of who we are, our way of being in the light of the Gospel within a complex and socially diverse society. It invites our students, their families and our people to accompany us as we seek to grow in relationship with Jesus and to understand and shape our world.
There is so much to look forward to as we continue with our plans for Towards 2025 and I encourage each and everyone of you to continue to engage in your school communities.
Finally, as of Friday 22nd April, NSW Government announced changes to rules for households and close contacts of a confirmed COVID-19 case. Please visit the NSW Government site for the latest information on household and close contact guidelines.
Catholic Schools Broken Bay will be following these guidelines allowing close contacts to attend school and we will be applying recommended safety measures. Close contacts should advise their school that they are close contacts and undertake daily Rapid Antigen Tests (RAT). Staff and secondary students who are close contacts will be required to wear masks indoors and primary students will be encouraged to do so.
There are no changes to the advice for people who test positive to COVID-19.
Wishing all of our community a healthy and strong Term 2!
Danny Casey
Director of Schools